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March 28, 2019 (version 0.0.1-alpha.1)

💡 Features

Validate git repository

Before you add a local repository to the app, it will validate if it is a valid git repository or not.

Validate git repository

Custom scrollbar

Adding custom scrollbar give a personal touch from a brand perspective and with a smooth transition which scroll provides.

Improve design of file change type

Get a quick insight from the color of the file type to check the status of the file.

File change status

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • On opening the app, it was redirecting the user to page not found page on starting the app.
  • Labels in the commit information were not readable due to brighten color.
  • A long list of files changes makes the commit message run away from the view.
  • Branch name not vertically aligned with an icon.
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